When buying a house, you have to go through many steps. For instance, you have to deal with many different parties. The familiar ones, such as an estate agent, are familiar to most people. But getting a technical inspection and the report drawn up is also an important step in the process.
What is a technical inspection?
A technical inspection is an inspection of a building by a construction expert. During this inspection, the building is thoroughly examined to determine whether there are any defects or discrepancies that could affect the safety, durability or value of the building. The building surveyor then draws up a report containing the findings and any recommendations for repair or improvement. This report can be used as part of a purchase agreement, or to better understand the condition of the building and any areas for improvement. In some cases, a technical inspection may also be mandatory, such as when applying for a licence or in the case of a divorce. It is therefore important to hire a qualified and experienced construction expert for such an inspection.
Costs of technical report
The cost of the inspection is usually between €359 and €475. The price depends very much on the size of the house, but also on other features, such as whether the house is single or not.
In general, the larger the content of the house, the more expensive the inspection is.
Is an inspection required?
No, a technical inspection is not required. However, we do recommend it! A house can look in good condition to the untrained eye, so you might wonder why you need to spend hundreds of euros on an architectural report. Yet it happens that a specialist sees more than you do. By having an architectural report done, you won’t be in for any unpleasant surprises after the purchase, but you will know what the defects are before the purchase contract is signed. You can use that information to renegotiate the price. So the inspection is definitely not a waste of money.
> Understand the importance of a Technical Inspection.
Has an inspector done any training?
A building inspector is someone trained to inspect and assess structures for their safety and structural strength. This is usually someone with training in structural engineering or a related discipline. In some cases, a building inspector may also be trained in specific areas such as fire safety or sustainability. However, the exact training of a building inspector can vary and depends on the rules and regulations in the region where they work.
Is a technical inspection tax deductible?
In principle, the costs of an inspection is not tax-deductible in the Netherlands. However, if you buy a house, you can deduct the costs of an inspection from your taxes if these costs are included in your mortgage. In that case, these costs are co-financed by the mortgage lender and you can therefore take them into account as an interest deduction.
Technical inspection: everything you need to know
Is a technical inspection tax deductible?
What does a technical inspection cost?
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